After years of searching for an Answer, the Facts
of Helenor’s unnecessary premature Death are now clear.

The e-Book you are invited to download tells the whole story of Helenor’s suffering through the medical treatment she received which ended in her death. It is now evident that she, and possibly two other children who died at the same hospital under the same Consultant Paediatrician, were subjected to a medical experiment known as an LD50, solely for commercial research for the Pharmaceutical Industry.


This eBook entitled “Humanity In Medicine? - no duty of candour” is available for downloading free of charge from this webpage in a PDF format. There is no copyright, and readers are welcome to print out the pages for their own hard copy.


It seeks to educate the British Public of the dangers faced

whilst the “Memorandum of Understanding - no duty of candour”

remains acceptable and in operation by those in Public Office.  


Please bookmark this page with the domain name www.humanityinmedicine.co.uk

for your future reference.

A Google Search for “helenor bye” will show many results including this Article by

Martin Geddes : https://bit.ly/3n8uv8b

The Bye family extend their grateful thanks for your interest.


4th Edition

       •  Right Up To Date - new PDF for Letters
       •  A Solicitor’s Pertinent Questions to the CPS - new PDF

       •  What to Ask of Your MP - PDF guide for action  

This is the last photograph taken of twelve-year old Helenor Joyce Bye, wearing the dress she wore when she presented her bouquet to the Queen in June 1977.

This happy, bonny girl was admitted to Hospital with an infection common to children of her age...

She died  just ten months later emaciated and blind with multiple organ failure .

Her parents, Joan and  Derek Bye, want her whole story to be told as a vital wake-up call to those parents and patients of the general public under the NHS’ “no duty of candour”

New PDF Added


Breaking News -

23rd March

24th April 2018

On the 40th anniversary of Helenor’s death . . .


New Ruling for UK patients regarding Epilim (sodium valproate) prescriptions to female patients

(access from page v)

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“Humanity In Medicine? - no duty of candour”,

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